073R_Smart communities initiatives

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Summary of the article titled Smart communities initiatives from 2004 by Helena Lindskog presented at the 3rd ISOneWorld Conference, 2004. 

Since we are investigating the future of cities, I thought it would be interesting to see different smart community approaches. This article compares these different approaches and presents how the co-operation between countries, regions and smart communities functions.

You can find the article through this link.

Abstract: Information Communication Technology (ICT) is literally changing every aspect of our life as citizens, employees, employers, parents, friends and as members of any type of community. We are changing the patterns of our professional and social lives. It is not surprising that a great emphasis is put on the possibilities that this new technological development can offer for local communities, governments and their citizens in order to increase quality of life, education, job opportunities and general prosperity. The concept Smart Community was first used in 1993 in Silicon Valley, California, when the area experienced a recession that was deeper than the national economic downturn, and predicted to last longer. Silicon Valley business leaders, community members, government officials and educators decided together to help jump-start the region. Today the concept of Smart Community is widely used. The Smart Communities phenomenon is global in the sense that it exists all over the world as well as local since it is often based on local initiatives. In the Smart Communities Guidebook, developed by the State University of San Diego (1997), Smart community is described as “a geographical area ranging in size from neighborhood to a multi-county region whose residents, organizations, and governing institutions are using information technology to transform their region in significant ways. Co-operation among government, industry, educators, and the citizenry, instead of individual groups acting in isolation, is preferred. The technological enhancements undertaken as part of this effort should result in fundamental, rather than incremental, changes.” This article compares different approaches towards the phenomenon of Smart Communities, similarities and differences, how the co-operation between countries, regions and Smart Communities function and if there are any lessons learned.

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Music by Lesfm from Pixabay

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